Review for 17 Days

17 Days

(#) xxinSANExx 2009-01-11

Oi... massages sound strange. I'm glad I've never had one. I feel really bad for Gerard, too. Everyone always says "That's great," or, "Good job!" to him when they find out he has/is quitting drinking. The widthdrawl has nothing good about it! Anyway... good chapter! It made my Sunday alot better! I hate Sundays' because you spend the whole day dreading Monday... dun dun dunnn!

Author's response

They're definitely different when you get one from an actual massage therapist.

And no, there's really nothing good about it =(

Yeah I don't like Sundays for that same reason ... 'cause you're just dreading Monday! But glad I was able to make yours better. lol
