Great last line, though I'd suggest that it can also be what causes chaos (very active little children being quite able at creating chaos). I can't say that I feel sorry for Voldie now that he finds out just how intensely he's screwed; even more so when he finds himself in confrontation with his real version as well as Harry and the Harem, I suspect Abbadon is going to decide it's time to return home after seeing Astarte working with Harry, too.
I thought that the way Harry was taking care of Severus, Narcissa, and Draco was a nice touch, too. He's dealing with them the way he'd want to be dealt with, not the way they've dealt with him in the past, and I suspect that is going to have some interesting effects, too.
Author's response
Thanx, I have to admit, I’ve had more comments, all positive, about the closing lines of this chapter than in any previous chapter. I was just trying to be funny, damn, who knew funny could be profound?
The most powerful human emotion is gratitude, and yes, Harry’s actions toward his daughter and son-in-law will have long term effects!
Two chapters to go,
Stay tuned,