Chaos is good, sometimes, and I did foreshadow the consequences in the second prophesy - but it certainly does look like Harry is Fate's bitch.
How can you foreshadow with something that was stuck in an author's note?
/Punishing all the wizards for the actions of a few does seem harsh, but I'm reminded of the quote attributed to Burke, "All that is required for evil to triumph if for good men to do nothing."
It's possible that not enough men (wizards) were willing to get their hands dirty - let alone bleed for a good cause. Baaaaaaa, baaaaaaaaaa!
That has got to be the most flawed piece of logic I've ever heard(read)! Women(witches) are just as guilty as their male counterparts of doing nothing.
One of two things has to happen in the next chapter to remove the taint of this chapter from the story. Either magic is immediately restored to all or it is removed from everyone. Anything else and I'll just forget that this chapter and the next ever happened and go on believing that the story was abandoned.
Too bad too since I was really enjoying this story. :(
Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
The foreshadowing was in the second prophesy, revealed to Minerva and Filius, where the coven must "destroy magic in order to save it."
Patience, grasshopper, wait for the Final Chapter.