Review for If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

(#) syaygel 2009-02-06

If someone had told me last week that there would be a story where Bellatrix Lestange died and it would be sad and touching I would have told them, "No way."
That was a very tender moment.
Thank you.
Having said that, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, taking all the magic away from men.
I'll reserve comment untill I see the last chapter, but you have a lot of explaining to do here!

Author's response

Thank you for reading and reviewing, and for your kind words regarding Bellatrix's "swan song."
I appreciate your willingness to read the /whole/, completed story before rushing to judgement, some of your fellow readers could learn from your example!
Next and last update will be this coming weekend.