Review for As Of Yet, Untitled.

As Of Yet, Untitled.

(#) lacerationgravityxxx 2009-02-22

thanks for updating!

you know i love this story. Egan is really struggling isn't she. as much as she annoys me for being like that, i can totally understand.

poor Gerard, he really is suffering. bless Bob for trying to talk to him about it. i want Gerard and Egan to succeed, but things look pretty bleak at the moment! i can also totally understand Gerard's frustration with the situation.

anyway, great update, thanks!

Author's response

Egan really is struggling right now, and to compensate, she's being blasé. And as you saw, that pissed Gerard off pretty badly. She's pissing me off too, actually.

It's interesting you saw Bob like that, as the good guy I mean. If I had been the one reading, I might not have seen it like that.

I don't know what to tell you about a happy ending.

Thank you so much for reviewing :] It means a lot to me.