Review for I'm Just The Way That The Doctor Made Me

I'm Just The Way That The Doctor Made Me

(#) nadialexandra 2009-02-23

-tackle, pins down, hands keyboard-
You need to write more, dammit. 'cause then I'll have something to do with my grammar obsession.
So, now, fuck my weirdness... let's go to the typical, trite, cliché, etc. review.

"zomg whut's gonna happen next?!?!?!?1?one,
'cause, like, Bam met Syn. And he thought Mikey was cute. OH-EM-GEE-ZEE, updateeeeee!"

But, psh, you know me better than that. ;D
Anyways, yeah. Write more soon, or I'll hunt you down.
[Bam/Syn = hotsex; in case I haven't told you enough]

Oh, and you are aware that you posted this in the My Chemical Romance section, right? So even if it's Bam/Syn, yerr gonna have to have Mikey and the boys in there quite a bit. Just a reminder. :D

iloveyousofuckingmuch. :D

Author's response


Because your my Naw-dee-uh.
-cling, huggle- more comes soon, i promise.