Review for Battered Hearts

Battered Hearts

(#) Cateagle 2009-03-22

Okay, it's starting to get both interesting and convoluted, the sign of a good story. I daresay Molly is going to be rather unhappy, in some ways, if Harry & Hermione get together too soon, but then I rather doubt she realizes just what a rift her youngest two have made in two souls who belong together. On the investigation side, it's getting rather more interesting since that cog seems to have been on the loose since the "incident" in the Department of Mysteries and that should set all the instincts of a good investigator, like Harry, screaming out a warning. 'Twill be interesting to see if this is a cog whose original personality wasn't destroyed (the originator of the process, perhaps, who was a "bloodist") or the cog is simply a tool of someone else. Either way gives some significant possibilities.

Author's response

Thank you, as always, for reading and taking the time to write an insightful review. Sooner or later even Molly is going to realize how right Harry and Hermione are together – I just wish Jo KR could have seen it too.
Yepper, the cog has been around for a while, and yes, Harry will soon know that fact too.
Spoiler Alert
The cog in question is, indeed, an ‘unwiped’ CNS core from someone mentioned earlier – more than that, said cog will be a compilation of personalities – all the personalities either fed upon or possessed since it was jump started in the Department of Mysteries thirteen years before.
Which begs the questions,
Why, exactly, did Ron think “Accio brains!” was such a good idea in the first place?
Furthermore, why is this particular cognizant cog so fixated on Hermione?
Inquiring minds want to know. . .