Review for 1991


(#) lovetah 2009-03-28

aww mikey :) he's adorable haha
mh donna's really suspicious of amanda.. but it's good that she's willing to get to know her :)

oh yeah i know the kind of problem.. two guys.. one is an ex-boyfriend.. i have the same problem right now too -.- and though i finally know that he really cares about me i'm really not sure if i want to risk it AGAIn... and then go through the whole thing again.. we always get back together and then break up.. i don't know where it's heading.. or if it'll be better this time... it's just so complicated so i can understand what your going through...
and the friends thing really sucks.. friends are supposed to be people that you can talk to and that you can trust - what is up with them??? god, some people....

oh well, i hope you get everything sorted out with your two guys :)
and update soon!!!!! :)

Author's response

i want so badly to like see mikey at this age and what he was really like XD

and yeah, the guys... I'm not going for the one i dated before because... I don't really know. just something tells me to go for stephen :)

and yeah, friends. psh, who needs those bitches