(#) BenRG 2009-04-08
Things are progressing fast but not too fast, I suppose.
I like how you portray Luna here. She isn't a charactature like she is in so many works. If I have a problem with how you portray Hermione it is that she is a bit forward for a middle-class girl. You might want to mention some influence that has made her so quick moving - are her parents very overtly romantic? Is she a romance novel fan?
I'm looking forward to paedo!Draco getting a beating-down and maybe the aftershocks consuming Snape too.
Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
The one point I'm trying to make here is that Harry and Hermione have been in love for years, it took the catalyst that is Luna to help them see it.
Luna, likewise, sees endless probabilities and in nearly all of them, she loves both Harry and Hermione.
That's one of the points they become clear on very early in thier relationship.
Paedo Draco isn't. It's like canon in which the 'firsties' are Crabbe and Goyle enjoying adventures in polyjuice.