Not a bad chapter and sure the heck makes a lot more sense then the magical change Draco under went in canon. Form a racist, hating bigiot whow did nothing but sing the praises of Voldemort, to a scared little boy who just wants to get away from the big bad dark lord.
That being said I am sort disapointedi n the lack of real action againd Draco, and Death eaters in general. Once you find something like that out nothing short of death assures they won't hurt any one else again. It also puts in a new light for the 'former DE' like snape to. Suprised no one brought that up this chapter.
Author's response
Thanx for reading and reviewing.
As far as action(s) against Draco and the DEs, wait for it. Our beloved Moon Child has plans for them.
In my original outline I have all the surviving marked DEs facing the music. Let’s see where the story goes from here. . .