Review for Achieving Clarity

Achieving Clarity

(#) BenRG 2009-04-16

Now, this is what should have happened if Hermione hadn't got hormonal and Harry had suddenly had a cerebroectomy over the y5/6 holiday. Nice to see some Malfoy abuse and nice to remember that he isn't some lost, confused boy but a cold-blooded murder who has sworn himself to the service of a genocidal revolutionary political movement.

Lots of interesting stuff here. Especially Draco's obsession with Hermione. I've always thought that he had a particular problem with her. Maybe it is because a 'Mudblood' is his equal or better at every magical art.

I think that you do a good job of using the character of Luna as a catalyst to change events and force characters to see things. This is a nice bit of work and I will keep following it.

BenRG's Rating: 8/10

Author's response

Thanx for reading and reviewing (and rating!)
Yep, no redeemable attributes, unless you count his value as Dragon Chow, “Ooh, look Sigurd, if you flash fry him he’s crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside!”
You hit the nail squarely on the head when you described Luna as the catalyst, SHE’s the one who allows them to see what they’ve known all along but were afraid to admit, and doesn’t she balance Hermione nicely. The world needs more Lunas.
Stay tuned,