I have, since the last chapter, the feeling that the nuclear bombing was a move to try and eradicate the wizarding world...
The end of this chapter gives me a mixed feeling: At first, I thought that it indicated that Harry will go back to his time and save Dudley, using Annie's magic, but I had missed her age. Now, I don't know...
There are lots of mysteries, still (did the Goblins survive, thanks to the wards and the deep tunnels and it was them that creeped Harry when he used magic in front of the memorial? If it was not the Goblins, who? And why didn't they try to contact him? Who, of the order survived? ... I'll stop here!)
On a side note: Imagine the face of the death eaters, when Harry is back, with Klingon aggressiveness!
Please, update soon: I'd love to know what did and will happen!
Author's response
All I can say is that the nuclear attacks were not an attempt to intentionally destroy the magical world. I've got an explanation that I don't think that anyone has thought of before. If someone has used this in a previous story, I've not read it. As for other magical creatures, such as goblins, centaurs, house elves and the like, they are around as are wizards and witches, but are not interacting with Harry just yet. Harry has a few things to go through before an explanation occurs, like the normal teenage life that very few seem to want to let him have.