Review for You're my what?

You're my what?

(#) Ghrdr 2009-04-28

This is a good start to this fic... Afew things to hit on through

1) Some of the scenes were cut short and need to be expanded on

2) Mr. Delacour timeline is messed up, you have him entering the Chamber but it's stated later on that Harry met him the first time the morning of the Thrid task.

3) Dumbles committed an international crime by apparating into the coach and kidnapping Harry yet nothing is said.

Author's response

1. Your not the only reviewer who has commented on the lack of detail in the scenes. As this story is complete I'll need to pay attention to this in future stories.

2. I plead stupid author.

3. I should have pointed out he had permission and the agreement of all to remove Harry.