Ah, glad you got the chapter fixed since there was so much more after where it first cut off. 'Twas a most enjoyable chapter and methinks neither Dumbles nor Snape enjoyed their exposure to "Luna on a roll". They most certainly did roll up most of the Horcruxes right quickly and I suspect they managed a few other little ereands on the way. I do like how the relationship 'tween the three of them is growing so nicely and I love the way they've gotten Neville and Pansy together (that has to rankle Draco most considerably). Meanwhile, it should be quite "educational" to see what else Luna is planning.
Author's response
Thanx, as always, for reading and reviewing.
It was kind of refreshing to give Dumbles a good ass-chewing by way of our beloved Luna.
And giving Snape a nervous tic, a Luna-tic, is always a good thing. . .
Draco is definately going to try something stupid with the Lord and Lady Longbottom.
I'm imagining Pansy ripping Draco's arm off and beating him about the head and shoulder with it.
As far as what to expect from Luna, why the unexpected, of course.