I love the audition things, and since I can't have Ryan Ross can I have William? Cause if it isn't evident in my twenty million and one chappies or in my name, I love him. (Dude, we are soulamtes)
Name : Carolyn, but goes by Caro
Age : 15
Hair color: black blue, its extremely choppy with a million layers. Its longish though like six inches down my back.
Eye color: brown eyes
Height/weight: 5'2" / 118 ish
Likes: the simple things in life, warmth and sunshine, laughter, music, clothing, writing, poetry specifically, friends, technology.
Dislikes: war (according to my history teacher im a hippie )
Style: like most kids here, bright colors, skinny jeans, flannel, v-necks, band shirts. I wear two bracelets on my left wrist, a plastic orange one, and a braided purple and white one.
Hobbies: im a writer, a music obsessed kid (seriously, music just like, controls me), concert go-er, shoe shopping, collecting band related stuff. Reading. Drinking coffee .
General looks: um, I have this nice tan (like Gabe) and I have this bruise like red birthmark on my nose, I never ever break out (I love my skin), I have long legs for a short person, at least I think I do.
I don't know what else to tell you o.O