Name: Jackie (girl)
Age: 16
super super short, black spikey short hair, olivey skin, big brown eyes, thin.
wears plain, dark clothes, with big accessories like belts/brooches etc.
loud and outgoing, but with low self esteem. smart, but not geeky
gives herself to others almost to the point of having nothing left
music, movies, food, coffee, hanging out with friends
acting, reading, dancing, baking
people who judge without knowing, stupid people (i know it's mean, but i can't help it!)
mcr (duh), morbid movies and books (edgar allan poe's poems, movies like Requiem for a Dream), winter, being on stage, Pink Floyd, cupcakes
Why I Should Pick You:
i'm not a really extreme character, i'm not a painful geek, i'm not angry at the world or anything, but i'm by no means normal.
you could focus on any different aspect of my character and i have an infinate capacity for change and development :)
(not to mention, i'll review your story incessantly!)