Review for AUDITIONS


(#) MCRazy234 2009-06-15

Name: natalie
dark brown hair, goth,emo,punk type clothes,

Personality:weird, hyper, crazy,fun, nice,caring, creepy, scary, idiotic

Interests:bass guitar, drawing, reading, sleeping, ummm listining to music... and ....

Hobbies:bass guitar, piano, flute, singing, some drums, guitar, sleeping=), acting crazy, hanging with friends+)

Dislikes:spiders! older movies, rap music(ewww) bullies,

Likes:unicorns that eat rainbows and poop butterflies+), popcorn, bass guitar, MCR,

Why I Should Pick You:idk just cause i'm TOTALLY AWESOME!!! lol jk you can pick me if you want to or not i will still read your fiction=]