Review for Harry Potter and the Sun Source

Harry Potter and the Sun Source

(#) taxzombie 2009-06-26

Quite pleased to see this continuing. I'm a Destroyer fan from back when they first came out. Like you said earlier Harry is taking it easy. If you had him running just at Remo's level he'd have cleaned thier clocks before they even had a chance to blink.

Interesting reasoning for not offing Draco.

His not offing some of the DE's in an attempt to have Moldishorts come out to play is logicial though considering her current condition I doubt she want's to be seen in public. Maybe he can off her by getting to the 23rd step.

This story is a truly fun read. I'm looking forward to the next chapter where in I suspect that Sniviless may get to hear as his final words 'that's three'.

Great story!

Author's response

- Yeah, a balance between the Destroyer levels of carnage and HP cultural sensibilities is a hard one to maintain.

- Real reason: I want him to walk in on Harry 'consoling' the Widow Malfoy...

- As per both Destroyer and HP Canon, the meeting between Riddle and Harry will be the penultimate scene.

- Harry isn't going to kill Snape.