(#) frankismyhomefry 2009-06-27

First Name: Kathryn.. Goes by Ryn or Katy
Preferred Last Name: Osie
Appearance: 5'3 petite. Dark brown hair which is about shoulder length with tons of layers. eyes are wierd. they are a blue and brown. blue on the outside with a honey brown at the center. clothing style varies. two favorites are skirts/summer dresses and then skinny jeans tshirt and vest. i love stealing my boyfriends clothes adn wearing them. shes short so she loves wearing heels and flip flops.

Personality: differs with who i am around. if i dont know someone or dont feel comfortable i an shy and reserved. if im around my best friends than i am usually perverted and a bit crazy. everyone can trust me. i am very defensive over those i love. i dont take shit from anyone. everyone calls me the motherly type cause im always worrying about those i love. i love to dance and sing like no one is watching. photography is a huge passion.

A member of Hey Monday, All Time Low, Panic! at the Disco etc. that you would like to be paired with (THIS IS A ROMANCE!!!): Id prefer Brendon or Ryan. those are my ultimate loves.

Anything special about yourself/character: two tattoos. one on the right shoulder blade which is an arrangement of music notes and stars. the other is on right foot. its two tropical flowers then "reinvent" with a music note heart. she also has a very hard time trusting people. once you break her trust its hard to regain. she has had alot of troubles that she tries to forget and doesnt tell many people about. she is never afraid to speak the truth and hates being lied to.

hope i make it!!