I can totally relate to you. My mother is always commenting on the way I dress and the bands i listen to.
'i don't want you turning goth now Maeve, that freaky stuff'
She'd say ' I don't see other girls your age wearing that'
I try to explain i don't want to be like every other girl, i want to be myself.
But the next day, she would come home bags of shopping, not for her but for me.
Clothes Id never wear by choice, when she then realises im not wearing them she guilt trip me into wearing them.
Not only that, but she comments on my weight non stop. Which is hurtful hearing it from your own mother. She doesnt subtly do it either she says nasty remarks.
Lately its been really getting to me, and ive tried talking to her but she laughed in my face and told me to 'grow up'
Disgusting really. I understand what your going through. Im sorry your moms like that :( hope things get better.
Author's response
My mom does the exact some fucking thing, and it is so annoying! All she cares about is how you look to everyone else. She always says I look goth, and compares me to the sluts at school that she doesn't even know. She just makes up shit. It's pathetic. She bought me these skirts and dresses, and gets fucking angry (we're talking trembling and smacking and spitting in my face angry) when I complain about wearing them, and she tries to make me feel bad by saying that she bought them for me, but won't even listen to me when I try to tell her I never wanted it in the first place. My mom isn't subtle about my weight, and she acts like I have the worst acne in the world. It's ridiculous. My mom twists my words and makes herself the victim, so we can never talk about it.
The other day, I actually broke down for the first time. Because she got angry at me, because she came home from work and I didn't go talk to her; I stayed in my room and read a book. So she was all immature, and she just came crashing down on me about it. Here's the thing about me- if other people insult me or my friends, I attack them. But for some reason, when my mom is yelling at me, I just stand and listen. So there she was, complaining I didn't care about her, or want a relationship, and how I didn't seem to try to spend time to get to know her. Which was ironic, because she hasn't tried to know anything about me.
I never cry in front of her, but the moment that I got out of her room, I cried for about two hours. I just didn't know what to do. Because the same thing happens over and over again, and I just stand and let her lecture me and never defend myself. It's just gonna stay like that too. That's the worst part.
Sorry, this was the biggest bitching/rambling session. But I really, really, really REALLY understand what you're saying. Keep hanging in there. You're not alone. xoxox.