That sucks ass.
My older sister got me into the music I'm into now, sorta. Mothers can be annoying, mines sucks sometimes too. She said once when I was listening to music on T.V
'When you turn 16 are you going to hang yourself' and like lines like that, now though I just get over them. She does like MCR though, and pervs on Gerard Way which is creepy. Or like when you say something like the lines of 'I'm dying' being sarcastic or so she'd say 'It's that music you listen to'. It's like WTF.
Or the time she tells you, you were an accident and she couldn't love you as much as your older sister when you were born, it's sorta funny now.
I'll stop blabbering now, but with your mother just maybe ignore her and try to stop caring about the stuff she comes out with. Or just argue with her until you win and she'll have nothing left to say, who knows, my ideas suck but aye.
Maybe things will get better someday. Hopefully.
ML, F oxox.
Author's response
See, my mom doesn't know enough about MCR to pull the suicide shit. She doesn't care enough to find out. Which is probably a good thing.
Wow. That sucks what your mom said about you. I get how it becomes funny. Don't know if you read my thing "not what i wanted" but that's kinda similar. I don't know what's worse- your parent saying they love you less than the sibling, or your parent saying they'd rather have anyone else but you. I don't is funny.
Haha. I'm bad at ignoring it. And arguing never works. But whatever. Thanks for the support. xoxox