Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) ixamxnotxaxnugget 2009-07-30

How did I not see that other chapter update??


Pete's loosing control.
It's intense.

I kinda feel bad for Brenny.
It's not his falt Pete has a kickass power and he doesn't. :p

William still remains a bitch.
Nothing personal (NO not an atl reference).

Lovved it!
Update soon.

Author's response

Don't worry - sometimes the stories slip off the first page pretty quick but mostly they don't so normally you wouldn't need to go looking! :)

Brendon, does actually have that power (it's that weird dance senquence in the video just before Patraick get's taken down). I doubt he even realises that Pete has it too. I'm not sure if Beckett knows, but I kinda have in mind that it's a power that is passed on from the one who turns you, so maybe he does?

I actually feel sorry for Brendon for a different reason - if Beckett just owned up and told him why he's so desperate to get Pete under his control, he wouldn't be so paranoid!

Will update soon!

Thanks for the review!!
Sas x