Christ, that took getting high and wasted and being a total dick (also occasionally being adorable) and he finally spilled his god damn guts!
Okay, was NOT expecting that.
When he said 'I killed them' I thought he meant like stabbing/shooting people, you know THAT shit when he was like uber fucked up one night.
Whatever, poor Gabe!
I know everyone is going to say that, but serisouly.
That's some sad shit.
Glad Natalia (NOT Taylor, can't believe I called her that in one of my last reviews :/) was there to, er, comfort him/remind him that he needs to stop getting trashed/having that cute little scene at the end.
If getting your faced lick is cute. ;)
Whatever, you know what I mean.
I hope.
ANYWAY, we don't mind the wait.
Never do.
Ell ohh vee ee-ed it. :)
update when ya can dude.