Review for Oh my GOD

Oh my GOD

(#) afictioninside 2009-08-04

Oh mah god.
You are my hero right here, for coming out and saying this. Everyone's all "ZOMG HE'S SOOO FATTTTT" And I'm just like, "stfu, bitch."

it shouldn't matter what he weighs, as long as it's not killing him, and if it is killing him, only then is it okay to twitter his ass all to hell about being healthy. But it's not hurting him in the slightest! He's still the same old Frankie we've always known and hopefully will know for a really long time, and I pray feverently to the gods that someday I will actually know him. THat would be nice. :)


He's still our amazing, ultra-talented, (and still super gorgeous) guitar player, and his personal image will not change how I think of him.

xo Ashley.