Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-08-06

WOOOOO! A way to stop the plan! xD
I really hope Joe manages to convince Andy too... but more than ever I wanna know if Patrick's still alive! AGH the suspense is driving me nuts!! (eats own skin)
...And that's why you should continue! :D

Author's response

Don't forget, it's mid morning at this point, so Pete's still asleep. But our heroes were wrapped up warm with jackets and sweatshirts. So I'm guessing late autumn. Won't be too long before the sun sets!

Whatever Brendon and Spencer do, they risk William's wrath. Wonder what they'll do....?

Andy wants to believe Joe but right now he's so angry and upset - not just with Joe but with everything that's happened and there doesn't seem to be a way out.
Joe will do his best, we'll just have to hope it's enough!

Please don't eat too much of yourself!! I need you tobe able to read (and hopefully review) the rest of the story!! :D

thanks for reviewing!!
Sas x