Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-08-08

I no longer have any nails, thanks to you. Jesus Christ, Sas; suspense much?! Shit. I nearly pissed myself when I got to the end and didn't get to know what happens to Patrick. (He's been my obsession for five years- I'm entitled to be worried.) Although I get your point... Pete's still sleeping, so it'd berather uneventful to go back to that scene, unless we all want to hear Patrick's scared relief that he gets to live a bit longer. And, dammit, I don't care if Pete doesn't want it for Patrick- I still think he should just drain him for the blood and turn him so he doesn't die. It's going to happen eventually, right? (Because, shit, Andy can't get the story straight and Joe's being beaten down. The only hope the have is Brendon and Spencer's plan working. But do they even have a plan yet?) Pete would never kill Patrick, but he's really considering it due to his thirst. So he doesn't die and Pete gets his first drink... I think that'sthe way to go. 'cause then they can both fight their way out of there. Woot for teamwork!

...that was long. O_o

And yeah. Andy needs to chill the fuck out and listen to Joe. And Joe... needs to stop getting abused. -_-"


Author's response

Lol!! Your reviews always make me chuckle!!

You're right, Andy does need to calm down and listen to Joe. Lets hope he can convince him!

Now then, what can Brendon and Spencer do? You wouldn't believe it if I told you. But all will be revealed in due course.

I should apologise for leaving poor Patrick in a terrible and terrifying situation and then not even mentioning him in this chapter. But hey, you know I'm a meanie sometimes!! Lol! Dear lovely Trick will feature in the next chapter, I promise.

Oh but what about Andrea? Only Joe knows about her. If they do escape, would they risk almost certain re-capture to help her? And if Joe can't fully convince Andy, how would he take a suggestion to go into the heart of the mansion to Beckett's room?

And poor Pete. You know, if he wakes with anything at all except blood on his mind, it'll be a miracle! And the big question - if he drinks human blood, what will happen with his humanity? Will it leave him? If he turns Patrick can anyone guarantee he won't wake up evil? But assuming he doesn't what kind of anguish will Pete suffer by turning his best friend into the very thing he hates about himself? Could he forgive himself? Could Patrick?

All will be revealed soon!

Thanks again for reviewing!!
Sas x

Ps - chapter 12 is up, but I have the strangest feeling it won't settle your mind any ;)

Evil Sas x