Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-08-11

Dx You're pure evil, Sas! Worse than Beckett and Brendon combined- maybe even throw Spencer in there! (and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible) I'm dyin' here! You can't kill off Patrick! He's... he's... HE'S FUCKIN' PATRICK MARTIN-VAUGHN STUMPH. That's all the reason you need not to have him die. ;-; He's too pretty...

Although I'm glad Andy and Joe are finally on the same page. Now, the question is... can they escape, find Pete's cell, break in and stop him in half a second? Yeah... no. They can't. -flail- DO SOMETHING, SAS! Make Spencer or someone pop up and stop him. Or have Brendon realize that this will break Pete and he'll become Will's favorite so he'll drain Patrick... or something. Just save Patrick! Dx

And, no, I didn't forget about Andrea. She's with William now, right? So what does he want with her? A snack, a slave, the newest- and only female- addition to the Coven? I'm confused, scared, worried, angry, in love (...with the story.... totally not Patrick. -blush- Ack. I sound like a fangirl.) and fucking INSANE over this. Ah!

-incoherent ranting babble-

...yeah. You need to update soon before I explode. Cliffhangers drive me nuts.

And yes. I thought you disappeared on the MCR category until I saw this. (I remembered from the review you left me on this account... I remember the weirdest shit.) I almost thought you died or something. O_o

...i need to lay off the meds.


Author's response

He is pretty, isn't he :P

I take the 'evil' thing as pure compliment! Thanks!! :D

I have posted chapter 13, which will answer some of your concerns, but maybe not all - after all, I am evil ;)

Incidentally, you may be interested to hear that I have a pair of custom made fangs. Totally dental quality, colour matched and everything, that I clip on when I need to scare people! Or when I dress up as a vampire and go shopping!

So, you see, I'm kind of a little bit obsessed with vampires, which is why I'm so keen on finishing this story. But, I will go back to the MCR ones, I promise - after all, I have 3 on the go over there!

Thanks for reviewing, as ever!!
Evil Sas x