Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-08-12

THEY'RE OUT! Woooooooooo!! xD

You won't believe how stupidly relieved I am about this! And no more evil Brendon! Yay!
-joyful songs with orchestras and big bells ringing-

...It's 11:30pm here, I oughta go to bed now O_o
Keep on writing, it's amazing!

Author's response

Ah, don't write Brendon off yet, well, not just yet, anyway ;)

Yeah, they're free, but Joe feels terrible about Andrea.
Pete, well, when he wakes, I imagine he'll be devastated.
Of course we don't know if Patrick will survive yet...

Thanks for the review!! :D

Sas x