Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-08-14

ACK. Sas... you're horrible! Too horrible for words. Sort of like.... that scene in "Superstar," where Mary slams the door while screaming "HORRIBLE!" over and over again to her grandmother downstairs. Yes, that horrible.

There's something I didn't get in this chapter, though. If William left to help Spencer, what happened with Andrea? We haven't heard from her in the last two or three chapters, and there's no way he'd make the mistake of leaving Andrea alone- he's been working too long and too hard (...that's what she said) to have everything fall apart by letting her escape. So what happened; did he knock her out? Did she fall asleep since it's now the nighttime and left her there since, if she left his office, one of the younger vampires would probably just take her as a snack? I suppose that's not important at the moment... but maybe it is, since it might help Andy and Joe's chances of finding her. I. Don't. Know. ('s your story... how the Hell SHOULD I know?)

Yeahh... now let me get something straight, here:
Slightly Knocked-off-Guard Vampire > Patrick (In terms of usefullness, since Patrick's drained... yet again. Poor Trick... So it's understandable that they took Pete over him.)

But now...
Patrick > Girl-that-Pete-saved-and-wants-to-repay-him-by-saving-him-but-all-she-did-was-wind-up-in-the-hands-of-the-enemy's-leader-but-Joe-secretly-has-a-crush-on-her-so-he'd-rather-save-her-than-his-friend-and-group-leader.
Yeah, sorry. Patrick's just way cooler than Andrea. Call me a fangirl all you want... but you don't do that. Patrick's notes and kickass awesome gadget-stuffs are the stuff that helped them. I mean, yeah.... Andrea only wanted to help and now she's an innocent girl trapped by Will and all... but PATRICK. They're just going to leave him there so Will and Spencer- or any other vampire- can go back to the cell, find him, kill him or even turn him? And then what? Patrick will either be dead, or their new enemy. OR. Pete could wake up all "ohmygodwhatthefuckdidIdoIalmostkilledmybestfriendI'mamonsterI'mamonsterdestroyme" (s//c, ftw.) and not be of any use at all. OR. Pete could... I don't know. Wake up craving human blood and attack Andy? Maybe.

...and I don't know where the Hell I was going with that, but alls I'm sayin' is that Patrick should not have been left alone.

Oh, and yeah... SHIT. Spencer's a clever little fuck, ain't he? I actually sort of pity Brendon right now... but only a little bit. After all, it's his fault that Patrick was drained... twice. soi'mnothisbiggestfan. Although, in real life... that'satotallydifferentstory ;]


(...c'mon. You know Brendon is hot. Call it teenage hormones but you can't deny that.)

Author's response

Nadia, deep breath! Patrick wasn't left behind. Go back and look at the scene where Joe knocks Pete out with the taser. Yes, he does secretly have a crush on her (good spot) and his interest in her is making him a little irrational. But the last paragraph of that scene has Joe admitting that Andy's right and he picks Pete up. Andy has already got Patrick and they leave. There're more references later when Spencer senses that all four have left. Also when Beckett goes into Pete's cell all he finds is Brendon. They all got out, I promise! Including the lovely Patrick, but he's desperately drained with a very weak pulse.

Andrea is still there and more will be explained about what happened to her in the next chapter. There are many more twists and turns yet.

Yes, Spencer is clever, but he'd better pray that Beckett never finds out he's been tricked!

Am I still horrible?

Only slightly evil Sas x

Ps - Brendon? Oh yeah! Totally hot!!