Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-08-14

First of all: EWWWWUH! I seriously don't get how everyone thinks Brendon's hot..that's just..ew. If anything, Andy's the smexxi fire crotch! Mwahahahahaaaaa :)

Second: Woo! Spencer's probably gonna end up dead, because knowing how cunning Brendon is, I'm sure he'll figure a way out of his current slave issue. Or, in any case, maybe they'll all end up dead?

Anyway, I'm really excited now! And I want mooooore! Annnd I think it's funny that I'm only ONE CHAPTER behind you LoL I'm working on 13 right now, actually..but I don't know what to write! GAH!

Shoot me?
