Review for Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!

Parents Suck...But Grandparents Don't!

(#) xxxDamnedAfterAllxxx 2009-08-15

Damn, I wanna freakin' steal your grandma. My (step)grandma's pretty awesome, but I don't see her being the type I could talk to about something like I don't see her much...
My parents are starting to let off me for liking MCR, but it only came about because my counselor told them it had good values. Yes, I was sent to counselling in the first place largely because of my MCR obsession. Because that was the only thing that made me happy, according to them. Mostly true. So though it was a really rough start, it's not so bad now. But it is with every other band I like--Slipknot in particular (my 2nd fave btw) is "evil".
I don't get it...they always say, when you complain, look for the good...but yet if the situation's reversed, you're supposed to focus on the "bad". (Notice quotation marks.)
Honestly, if they know this shit means something to us...if nothing else, just let it be.

Thanks for putting up with my lengthy whiny bitch rant. I tend to overtalk, perhaps making up for my extreme quiet in real life. I appreciated this story(w/e) though. :)