Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-08-16

BOOYAH, BIYOTCH! >:3 I'm telling you... Patrick would make the sexiest fucking vampire ever. (admitit;youknowhewould) Stillz~ First of all, I'm just hoping Pete doesn't have a craving for human blood, now that he's had it. Let's forget about Patrick for a second (Whutttt? O_O That does not sound like something I'd do...) and think about Pete (wtf am I, a fangirl?) here. If Pete's bloodlust becomes even stronger and Patrick can't handle Holy Water to create the shakes, and re-proportion everything correctly to fit their needs... how the Hell do they keep in control? Trial and error using Joe and Andy- having them so close when they could possibly just attack them? I'm not really liking that thought.

Second... Andrea and William. heeheeWilliamthinksshe'spurrty. I just had to say that; sorry. So now he's going to use Andrea to track down the boys? Smart man. Seriously. You'd never expect WILLIAM fucking BECKETT to be evil. He looks like he'd crack in half if you hug him too hard- really. I love the irony of it. ^-^

Anyways. So if Andrea does find them and turns them in- will he want Patrick? He's pretty. If he doesn't want him, I'll gladly take him. (Fuck. Fangirlness. GO AWAY, FANGIRLNESS.) Will he want to take him as well as Pete; and use Andy and Joe as slaves? Then what will happen to Andrea? Will Pete turn Patrick correctly so he doesn't die? Will Patrick wake up evil? -gasp- QUESTIONS.

:D I need a life~
