Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) areyounormal 2009-08-16


I guess Andy or Joe will have to find a willing priest to provide the Holy Water now. Even Pete could hold the bottle, even though the look on his face as he did (in the video) suggested that he couldn't hold it for long. So I'm assuming that Patrick will be able to too. Getting the blend right could prove tricky though. As you state, Pete's tasted human blood and as much as he'd probably hate to admit it, he liked it - a lot.

Now then, William. He knows exactly where they are. The priest would have told him, but I'm going with the age-old idea that vampires can't enter a home without being invited - the reason I'm going with that is the fact that, it's not just their operational base, they live there. Why do they live there? Because they know they're safe from vampire attack whilst inside.
This is why Beckett needs to draw them out OR get Andrea in, whilst under his control - another reason for not turning her. But yes, he is very much the smitten kitten and genuinely wants her for himself. But, I have to say it - you got to question someone who can only get a girl through mind control ;) (oh, but he is so lovely, really)

There are lots of questions and, if I'm honest, even I don't have all the answers yet. I know roughly how it goes, but the details are a little vague as yet.

Don't question your life! What could be better than a harmless but fun interest in music and the bands that make us feel happier for listening to them? AND give us an outlet for our creative side too!! SOunds ideal to me :D

Thanks for reviewing, as ever! I hope I don't let you down in the coming chapters!

Sas x

Author's response

Oops! I reviewed instead of responded! :-/