Review for I'm Writing Randomnessss! [Auditions]

I'm Writing Randomnessss! [Auditions]

(#) TheChemicalRose 2009-08-20


Name :Addi. Full name : Addison(girl)
Age : 20. Height: 5'7 or '8 idk
weight: 145. Eye color: Dark blue with brown surounding the pupil.
Hair : dark brown with funky bangs and its feathered so it looks spikey when straightened
clothes : most likely in jeans and a t shirts in bright ass hell colors. On a good day a skirt and I always have my lucky black jacket with a big white 13 on the back

Personality:(idk if u need this or not? I'm putting it just in case) shy until I know the person better and then I'm random and hyper and sweet and cuddly as hell. I will do anything to make my friends happy and I have a slight problem with balance( clumsy) basically I'm the nerd everyone loves :)