Review for I'm Writing Randomnessss! [Auditions]

I'm Writing Randomnessss! [Auditions]

(#) MyChemicalFangirl 2009-08-21

Name: Christie. ^_^
Age: I'm gonna lie for this one. XP... 19. :D
Height: About 5 foot. I be kinda short.
Hair: Dark brown, kinda purpley underneath, full side fringe, kinda scruffy hair but I like to straighten it. :D
Clothes: Band tee's, and band hoodies. Usually black skinnies, but also coloured ones. But I love my purple criminal damage hoody lots. (: And I only ever wear black and white converse, it's sad really. ): I always have a wristband on, and two bracelets.
More: Uh.. a wincey bit chubby but not really really chubby.
Eyes: Browney, sometimes greenish in light. Oh and some days, kinda reddy.

Fact: I quote lyrics and Patrick Stump in everyday conversation.

Hope you use me. :D
I'm kinda boring though. ):
But you know me. (;
Don't have to use me. XD
I shall be reading anyway my dear friend. :D