Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-08-25

Sas, I found it! At about 4:00! Poor Patrick! I'm guessing you're in the UK? Cos I am and it works for me.

Yeah, sadly Andy still has all the hair. He needs it cut, I agree! But I don't really like Joe's hair. It sort of... needs to find the balance, y'know? Somewhere between hoooge fro and normal hair!

Sorry for all these 'reviews' that aren't reviews, hehe... :)

Author's response

Thanks!! :D

OMFG!! Pete Wentz is a lunatic! He should be on ritalin!
The scary part though is our band's frontman (Alan) is just so like him - lovable maniac! :D It could so easily have been Alan doing all those things!!

Yup - I'm in London. I just bought me an Andy action figure!! Lol! Can't wait till it arrives!

Sas x

No worries about the 'reviews'! It's cool to chat
you can email me if you like on (you too Nadia)