Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) sarahhh 2009-08-30

this story is great. I just read all the chapters in the last hour and all I can say is that I love the originality of it. I mean 'A Little Sixteen Candles' video is a little overused, but you're like going beyond it, and instead you're writing about what's happening after the video instead of during it or something rather.

Thumbs up for the awesome story, update soon :)

Author's response

Thanks!! I glad you think it's a bit different and that you like it! :D

The video is just fascinating. The way it's been put together has been really well thought out. Like, at the start when Patrick says that the blend is starting to fail - he says it just as Pete picks up the bottle of Holy Water and it's not until the end that you find out why and that it relates back to that very thing.

Also - the whole thing is clearly a set up for Beckett to get Pete back. And you see Beckett beating up only one person and on closer inspection, that's one of the vampires that Pete escaped from when he wouldn't bite the girl.

Then his refusal to drink human blood struck me - what did he eat at Beckett's. I kind of made up the period he'd been there, obviously, but for him to be so strong compared to others, he really only could have had one thing - Beckett's own blood. For that to be the case, Beckett must have had special plans for him - which has yet to be revealed.

I'm really enjoying writing this story - mostly because the video has given me so much to work with!

Thanks for reviewing and sorry about the long rambling reply - I'm feeling chatty! :D

Sas x