Review for Resistance


(#) areyounormal 2009-09-13

Loved it!!! Although poor poor Patrick!! He thinks Andy is dead :( He's suffering too much, poor love.

Damien should be careful, William's no fool. But I'm glad that Malachy's going to be punished! He deserves it!

More soon????

Sas x

ps - don't worry too much about lurkers. Some of the people reading don't have accounts, so can't leave reviews.

Author's response

Ah u have no idea how much i'm loving u right now, Sas X, u've commented on like every single thing i've written. i'm happy right now :) so... thanks!

And I know I'm kind of being mean to Patrick, I really don't mean to be, Half the time i have no idea what i'm going to write until it's written so i'll try to give him a break or two, maybe.... who knows?

and ur right about the lurkers, I was one for a few days, then i got so annoyed by the fact that i couldn't tell people how much i was enjoying their story, that i had to make an account, it takes like 5 seconds guys, oh and it's freeeee