Review for Resistance


(#) areyounormal 2009-09-14

Another thing about the reading stats is that they're sometimes misleading. I often come back to re-read chapters and that bumps them up without necessarily getting extra reviews. But sometimes I'll leave more than one.

I like your stories a lot! They have a refreshing energy about them. It sounds like you have a similar writing style to me - I never know what'll happen till it does!

Btw it's just Sas. The little x is just me being affectionate! I always do it, it's kinda my thing :)

Anyhoo, great stuff. More soon!!

Sas x

Author's response

haha okay then, thanks Sas, it's awesome to know that someone somewhere out there is enjoying the stuff my twisted little mind comes up with :). I'm in love with your 16 candles continuation I've read it like six times, it's just amazing! Oh and ur kidnapping story, whoa I am in such suspence right now, dying for
more !