Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) Moonshyne 2009-10-01

Hi there Sas,

Lots of stuff going on in this chapter.

Pete didn't get away, I was hoping that Patrick got there on time and they could fight them off together. We'll just have to see what happens next.

Poor Andy he wasn't going to kill Patrick just help him, total misread actions. I hope Andy starts to feel better soon and understands why Patrick did what he did.

That was so sweet between Joe and Andrea. They finally let each other know how they feel.

This was a very exciting chapter indeed.

Looking forward to more.

Author's response

Hey Moonshyne!

I thought that even the pair of them together couldn't fight off 12 vampires, all of them older than Patrick and some as strong as Pete. But, there's still time :)

Yes, poor Andy, he's in a bad way :( but hopefully his doctor friend will help him.

Dear Joe nearly messed it all up between him and Andrea, assuming she preferred Pete. Thankfully he admitted his feelings. But I'm sure if he hadn't Andrea would have - she's not exactly shy!

Thanks for the review, as ever!! It's much appreciated!

Sas x