Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-10-11

Fuck, Sas. I'm officially obsessed with and addicted to your writing. Like, really. If they had an app for this story on iTunes, I'd totally but it in a heartbeat.

1. Spencer is a douche. A sexy douche, yes, but still an asshole who totally deserved to be drained by Brendon. Or it could just be that I like the image of Brendon's lips, tongue and teeth all over Spencer's neck but Im thinking it must be both.
2. "Surprise? I don't want to throw a party for them, I want to kill them!" Best fucking line ever.
3. Patrick has an attitude? XD It's like "Okay, cool. You figured out who woke up first. Big whoop. Now who the fuck is the chick in your lap and why the fuck am I chained to an idiot who, most likely, is dreaming of y blood and salivating on my shoulder?I brought the fucker back, didn't I? He's alive... sorta. Jesus. What's a guy gotta do to get some fucking pig's blood around here?! I'm fucking Irish, man. Don't deny me drinks unless you want to be my next meal. Roar. Fear my sexiness." I may have gone a little overboard, butfuckit. :D
4. I still can't see Bilvy so evil! It's terrible, thinking f that adorable face ad wide eyes... Killing fosrsly awesome people.
5. I'm ficking tired. What is it there; 9:45 or sosmethin'? Shit. I wish the coffee shops here were open. And is it true that you guys get, like, an hour or two for lunch in Europe? 'cause all us fuckers get is 45 minutes- and that's just us lucky bastards in school. ~offtopic.

I'ma try to sleep now. This shit's got me tired. Thanks to you, I'll be having vampire-fawb dreams tonight. O:


2:47am. Fuck.

Author's response

Wow!! Thanks!! :D

Before I say anything else I gotta say I nearly fell off my chair when I read the part that you had Patrick say 'Fear my sexiness' - that was absolutely hysterical!!!! In fact, I want to use it in a story now - would you mind???

Yeah, totally with you on the 'evil Bilvy' front. I keep having to watch the 16 Candles video to see him 'in character' otherwise he'd just be... Oh I don't know... Jumping Brendon? Lol!!! Nah it's been done! (in stories I mean, not by him - well I don't actually know that... Hmmm stop writing Sas!!)

Yeah, Patrick with attitude - Pattitude!!!
I have a theme running through that vampires have extremes of emotions and have trouble with subtleties and nicities. Hence the attitude, he's just more likely to get to the point now. One of the reasons Pete always came across as surly.

Now, time difference is 5 hours at the mo, I think. Will go to 6 at the end of the month, maybe.
Lunch - don't know about schools, but in work we get an hour. The 2 hour thing is Spain coz it's too hot to work - not so here most of the time!!
We also get 4-5 weeks vacation in work in addition to public holidays. I know you guys get much less and I don't know how you stand for it!! I like my time off, it keeps me going :)

anyhoo, thanks so much for reviewing :) I'm so glad you're enjoying them. Btw - I finished 'I'm Just A Ghost...' while you were gone. Don't know if you want to have a read of how that went.

Take care
Sask x

ps - hope you actually got some good sleep in the end!