Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-10-12

Haha. You can use the Fear My Sexiness bit; go ahead. 'cause he's just too sexy. I'd probably pull my hair back, jump into his lap, tilt my head and say "Have at it, Patrick. Much as you want. You'resosexyyyyy. -drool-"
As for Bilvy/Brendon. I'unno bout them, but I'm pretty sure he had a thing goin on between him and Gabe. Then Travie.
Pattitude! XD I'm tottally going to use that all the fucking time nao.
Five weeks? Shit. I don't even get that much in school. I get one week for Christmas, one in February, one in April, summer vacation and two days for Thanksgiving. Then regular off-days. Eh.
I'm Just A Ghost... I think I might've read the first chapter. I'ma go read it now.

nadia (aka personspammingyourreviews)

Author's response

spamawaym'dear!! :D

Good grief! When they join that label, is it written into their contracts that they all have to date each other?

I wonder if he knows he's sexy? You know? I often wonder stuff like that. I mean, I'm pretty sure (despite his self esteem issues) Pete knows he's gorgeous. But what about the others? Does Patrick even suspect that he's loved in 'that' way? Does he know that he's got sexy moves in the videos? And, as you say, on stage, but I've not seen them :'( (still crying) Or not?

It's a puzzler. You'll have to ask him next time you see him. Then you'll go back to the dressing room to discuss it further and bang you're in his lap!

Sas x