Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) charliexbrown 2009-10-12

I am loving evil Bilvy. Evil, clever, cunning, gorgeous Bilvy... -sigh- I can ]almost[ forgive him the Dirty plan. And the little Bill/Brendon pairing is nice! It makes me feel warm inside :3

Could there be a possible truce here? Bless Andy!... although he could just be too exhausted to deal with it properly. Ah well, we'll soon find out.

Crisis as dealed with as possible, I should be a more consistent reviewer from now on... you deserve reviews anyway! x

Author's response

It shows how much he wants this if he's prepared to go in himself - rather even than teach Brendon how and send him. Young Bilvy wants to make sure he's making the right decision here...

A truce? It's a tricky one - Joe wants to believe, but may reject being able to purely because he thinks he just wants to! It may well come down to what Andy believes and how well he can sway the argument.

Like I said - I love getting your reviews, but I'm much more worried about the fact you've had a crisis. Hope things are ok for you now.

Hugs n stuff
Sas x