Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) nadialexandra 2009-10-12

OhshitIforgotaboutDirty! O:
Have you seen his MTV2 commercials? He does stupid shit... as usual.
And will do. -salute- I'll make a list of questions to also next time I meet them.
As for the Fueled By Ramen / Decaydance dating? Probably not. But I'm sure "By signing this contract, you are entitled to be sexy at one point or forever, sound either incredible and original or just like every other band out there, wear tighter jeans than your eleven year old fangirls do, take pictures of you and one or more of your labelmates in some sort of homosexual act to attract fangirls, defend Pete Wentz's reputation, accept the fact that you and Mr. Wentz will, at one point, be involved in some sort of overly-touchy situation, have fanfiction written about you and other men, and you must fondle at least one or more labelmate on stage. If you are married or homophobic, please be aware of what you are doing."
... Or something like that. :D

And now for an actual review!
Uhm ... Joe needs to stop thinking with his dick. I mean, not to sound harsh and Patrick-loving and all... but these are his friends. He knows how Pete is and he should know how Pete would react to being locked in a cage again. He should have known how Patrick would have freaked out if he saw Andy, after the ultimatum he gave him, picking up a stake and come close. It's like the human equivalent of the same thing with a gun... and seeing that person load a gun. You'd attack too, wouldn't you? All he wanted to do was save Andrea; fuck his friends. I think his 'from may have eaten his brain and all he has left to think with is... Yeah. :/ ~justathought.

Author's response

Yes, that's the sort of thing I expect is written in when they sign! :D Now if only they'd sign my band!!


I think deep down, he does know all those things, but he's got to see that he knows it because it's true, not because he wants it to be. He's so busy trying not to let his heart rule his head that he's not even using his head!

So, you reckon the fro's just sent roots down and that's all there is?? Lol!! Brilliant!! :D

Thanks for the (many) reviews! :D
More soon complete with Patrick lovliness or lovely Patrickness - one of the two

Sas x