Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) Moonshyne 2009-10-16

Hi there Sas,

Poor Joe such tough decisions to make at least now with Andy awake and now Simon knowing he won't have to be feel so alone. I hope in the end they realize Patrick and Pete aren't bad.

I love the surliness of Pete though. Especially the line about being fed after the humans. Tell us what you're really thinking Pete.

Brandon and William make such a delicious evil duo. The mind control thing is scary. It gets them a way in. I love how William dangles tha carrot infront of Brandon's face. He's such a tease. LOL!!

I can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's response

Hi Moonshyne!!

Neither Patrick nor Pete have got off on the right footing with Joe. They're all tired, but hopefully, they'll see sense.

William just won't stop will he? But he can't - he's like a gambling addict in a casino. Just one more plan and then it'll all work out... he hopes anyway.

Thanks, as always, for reviewing!
Sas x

ps - I LOVE writing 'surly Pete'!!