Review for A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

A Little Less 16 Candles... continued...

(#) _Amy_Revenge_ 2009-10-23

Ok, now I can review again (and maybe longer?)

So I'm thinking.. this might be getting closer to the finish, yeah? Because.. well.. You should like, write the next chapter (and maybe have them answer it or whatever and then after something bad happens, and they capture so and so) and end it there.. then make a sequel!

That'd be amazinggggg

Author's response

It is getting towards the end, yes, but I don't know what the end is yet. I don't think I'll know until Joe opens the door. I'm not sure I want to do a sequel. I did at one point and I extended it instead - there're only so many times they can get captured and escape! So, this time, it's going to get resolved one way or the other. At the end of the video, William appeared to have won... maybe he'll win again? Maybe not. Or, maybe, like at least 3 of their videos, Pete (or Hemingway) will wake up and it'll all have been a dream! Lol! Maybe not ;)

If I did write anything along these lines it would be Pete's first 14 weeks after his return. That could be a challenge. Wonder what people would think about that?

Anyway, thanks for all the reviews and ratings! That was really sweet of you! Wherever you're going, I hope you have a fab time :D

Sas x