Oh, I'm not usually in an orchestra, this is a one off. There's a theatre production of songs from shows and I've been asked to do the drumming. I'm a drummer in a band called Harmonic Rage (www.myspace.com/harmonicragemusic).
Cool that you get to sing in your production, do you know what yet or how long?
Btw on a point of shameless self promotion - I finished 16 Candles, Nightmare is still going, there's a oneshot called Don't You Know Who I Think I Am
Sas x
Author's response
I know :) I haven't been writing much myself, but I have been keeping up with the reading. Nightjar is AMAZING i check for an update every day, and your one shot was hilarious, are you going to make a follow up with Pete's revenge? hoping so XD
And I DIDN'T know you had finished 16 candles, but that's awesome news! I'll go read it now :D
*nightmare sry