Review for Searching for the Power

Searching for the Power

(#) lighthawk610 2009-12-04

I love this story, I've the last 4 day reading it, don't like that Harry cries so much and can't understand why he just can't peek into malfoy mind to find out what he doing, he a marked deatheater why respect his privacy.

Author's response

After being mindraped by Snape and finding out that Dumbledore regularly sifts through peoples minds, he decided he would not abuse his power like that.

He won't read Malfoy without just cause, being suspicious of Malfoy is not enough for Harry to justify doing that.

Its like peeking at someone changing clothes when you were abused as a kid...

I dunno, I try hard to make Harry seem more real but I have to leave some inconsistencies in the story for it to be believable. Otherwise Harry would be omniscient and know exactly where to find all the Horcruxes, exactly what Draco is up to, and which of his girls are in love with him, he would read them, find out what love feels like, and know what love was.

My harry is not a god, he is just a teenage guy who happens to have access to alot of magic, most of it is emotion based though. So he has to show emotion.