Review for Casting Call- characters chosen

Casting Call- characters chosen

(#) SarahSTARRR 2009-12-15

Sounded like a fairly cool story so here I am =]

Name: Sarah

Role you want: Ryans GF

Looks: 5'2, Blue/black shoulder length hair, Blue/Green/Grey eyes. Bright liquid liners all the time. Curvy body type.

Personality: Fun, bubbly and up for almost anything lol =] I do get jealous easily and I can be the moodiest bitch in the world if someone pisses me off or can't understand something I'm trying to explain.

Interests: Console games, music, writing, drawing, Make-up, 1950's fashions

Dislikes: Spiders, people who drive too slow, people who waslk too slow, People in general, Ignorance, stupidity. Alotta things really lol

Unique things about you: I can fit my fist in my mouth haa haa, I change my hair colour and cut more than anything else. I'm a magician with a make-up brush. And thats all =]