Review for Achieving Clarity

Achieving Clarity

(#) chi90504 2010-03-05

I Loved this story some of my favorite stories are the one's where luna's oddities are logical for one reason or another (such as all those creatures are real and she just has enhanced vision to see them like people who've seen death have enhanced vision to see the ... i forget what they are called but the ghost horses that pull the hogwarts carriages i also love a good do over story .. unless the one getting the do over is forced to forget s/he is getting a do over though i do also like it when instead of going to the past them selves they can send them selves a note or book or something to change their past actions

my email goku90504 at gamil dot com

i'd love to see some links for such stories though i also love ground hog day type stories best one i've seen so far is a naruto based one called chinin exam day